Author Topic: The Official EP1 Feedback topic  (Read 56138 times)


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2009, 02:19:30 am »
If you have no problem doing what you did, then there is nothing else to say and you have no business being a game developer.  

GamerPants is the best name for a website, ever.

means alot comming from you...NOT.

and to Oded who is practically ignoring my comments:
You should think of a new business model for this game, maybe even refund people who bought the full season.
I'm saying that with concern that you will be crucified(seems like you already have been) as a game developer.
I'm not the enemy here,
If you ask me nicely I would explain how to fix this thing of yours that I've mentioned in earlier posts.
I would like to offer my apologies if I have offended you in any way, I have done so only so that you could understand the true view of the audience.
Yuval Birav who even knows you, wrote that article about your game...and he was VERY objective. Really.

Not quite sure why they would refund people? There is a demo so people can see what they are buying. The business model is perfectly fine, and I'm sure once the studio figures out the best price range they will see a nice degree of sales. What you did although not illegal, is still not right. I'm obviously not going to explain what you did (although anyone from Corbom feel free to PM me so you can stop people from doing it in the future) but it's still a legal grey area :).

GamerPants is the best name for a website, ever.

Even better when you find out I actually have some pants GamerPants written on! Or is that just creeper..
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 02:24:25 am by DDClarke »


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2009, 02:34:25 am »
I know what you did. Anyone with basic computer knowledge could do it :P. I'm not a programmer at Corbomite. :). I agree that it should be made much more clear the lengh of the game, because I like many others was surprised to see such a short game for the £8 cost, which is the same amount I can get the very long and very good The Longest Journey for. But it's a good game, and I feel as soon as the price reflects the lenght then sales will be great :)


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2009, 02:48:56 am »
Donations never work. Trust me on that! I had a resource thousands used and everyone loved. And let hardly anyone donated! I don't see how there is an issue of it being looked at as a game. It feels like much like a short version of the classic 90's P&C games?


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2009, 06:20:04 pm »

Graphics- no idea why the graphics are half-3D. There is no apparent need for 3D models in this game. Moreover, since the models are terrible and the animations worse, the contrast with the nice 2D graphics is striking and hurting the game badly. Should have been a strictly 2D game, like all classic point and click adventure games. The development team does not seem to have the resources needed to work in 3D.

Voice acting is mediocre at best. Jackie's is way too high-pitched and hurt my ears. The "Hollywood talents" don't seem to contribute anything to the experience, I wonder who made the decision to spend money on this and not on more important aspects of the game.

Story is OK, though neither really funny nor really interesting. Lines get repeated often ("There's a Vampire in my house"). Many times, the choices in the chat menu don't really matter, it's actually all the same.

No real puzzles, most are quite obvious and the puzzles that are there not always make much sense. Bugs creep around unchecked.

Game is waaaaaay too short, both in time and geography. Even if it was any good, the going rates for 1 hour of indie gaming is about 2-3$, no more. But 13$ (the rate in shekels)? I can get the full Hal-Life pack from steam for that....

Game is in English- why? What is supposed to be the audience, american teenagers who have never heard of Pizza Morgana or its creator, Uri Fink? Fink is well known in Israel, this game should have been in Hebrew.

Not sure what the business model is here, who is supposed to buy the game?

In All, I can't say I see a lot of work done here. Apart from the voice acting, the whole game seems like something that could have been created by a single, inexperienced individual, in about a month or so.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 06:22:24 pm by VgamesEditor »


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2009, 04:24:35 pm »
What happened to the website...?


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2009, 06:23:32 pm »
Advance, what do you mean?


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2009, 02:11:12 am »
Heh, I was going into and say "Eric's Links". I was freaked :)
Now I understand I was simply in the wrong url :)


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2009, 02:35:27 am »


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2009, 12:48:40 pm »
Damn it, Oded.  The "Hot in every dimension" song has been stuck in my head for like a week.  Very very catchy.


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #24 on: August 20, 2009, 12:58:53 pm »
Wait until we release that ad trailer (which soundtrack i've sent you)


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2009, 09:40:55 pm »
The good: Voice Acting, Writing
The bad: Graphics, Lack of puzzles

For the graphics, it looks like there's something wrong with the cell shading- the models seem smooth shaded.  This is especially noticable on Jackie's face.  I'd say either fix the model rendering, or just do 2d.  The current rendering method makes the models clash with the background.  I also noticed the animation glitches others mentioned.

I hope you give the option of upgrading to the whole season if you buy ep 1.  You might also consider a price reduction, since right now you're charging the same as Telltale, but their games are longer and made by a team of programmers, artists, etc..


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2009, 05:07:15 pm »
You might also consider a price reduction, since right now you're charging the same as Telltale, but their games are longer and made by a team of programmers, artists, etc..

To be fair, Telltale has the production capability to develop a new game every month, and the marketing power to reach millions of customers (maybe not millions, but tens of thousands certainly).  Corbomite certainly isn't in Telltale's league.  Selling his games at TellTale's low price is difficult enough for an indie.  Going lower than that would be financial suicide.  Sure, he might sell a few more copies but not enough to make up for the loss in revenue.


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2009, 09:02:59 pm »
Congratulations on the favorable review in!!

I'm going to buy this one when I'm back from my honeymoon in the US. hopefully there'll be another episode out by then :)

Is there a time frame for the release of future episodes?


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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2009, 02:11:39 am »
enjoy you honeymoon and dont' waste time on surfing the web  :)
Nahh.. I did the same thing in my honeymoon. actually maanaged to catch up on a bunch of webcomics then.

we are trying to push a new episode out as soon as possible but keep our production quality the same OR BETTER.
for example , episode 2 will be MUCH LONGER than 1.
When we know exact release date we'll let everyone know.
Rest assure, we're working hard on making it.



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Re: The Official EP1 Feedback topic
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2009, 01:41:24 pm »
Reminded me of Pajama Sam.